It has been said that something as small as a butterfly's wings can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I dislike having to think of titles for my blahs...

Tired as balls - did not get home until 3 this morning.  Event went well, my back is killing me though!!

Starting Detox again tomorrow, keen as.

14 sleeps until Cerise and Shaela arrive!

Bedtime now.


Saturday, October 30, 2010


He just left - again.  Feeling incredibly lonely now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It has been some time...

Rory came home on Tuesday night and I have had a couple of events on this week - one of them was an illusion theme...was for a local coffee roasting company - their Conference Gala Dinner.  Was hanging out for coffee though the whole set-up though - it smelt sooooo good.

While we were setting up I got a call to say that Rory was on a plane heading back to Cairns - totally made my night.

Have lots of sewing to start from tomorrow onwards - overlays and theming, chair bands and costumes.  Busy Busy! It is great as my hours are getting bumped up.  Have this theme sold again next weekend but for 200pax and a Swingers Party to be themed!  Gloves for packdown I am thinking!  There are always those parts to every job - the ones that nobody likes to do!  I do not mind doing the filing.

Was a pretty full on week with work but got some spend some pretty decent time with the boy.  We went up to Palm Cove on Friday for lunch and has this amazing Balanise Salad, hung out and drank a bottle a Red with Lisa on Friday night and went shopping with her, for her on Saturday and then Saturday night Rory and I went down to the Esplanade and walked along the boardwalk, hung out in the kids pool, ate some chips on the beach  and then came home for a swim.

He leaves again this afternoon.  Mum and dad leave for New York in a couple of weeks, I am hoping they had a rad time and bring me back bagsfulls of M.A.C bigger than my head.  Had a talk to Michelle this afternoong and she sent me an audioclip of Miss Avalon singing her ABC's.  I have listening to it about 100 times now and it totally pulls on my heart strings.  I miss those beautiful girls so much!  Only 21 sleeps until Cerise and Shaela arrive!  Cannot wait!  We are going to have so much fun!  Time for dinner cooking now and then an early night.
Cairns has given us all a bit of a reprive from the heat these last few days - so might just sneak another swim in while it feels at least a tad normal...                                 xxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, October 18, 2010

Counting Sheep

I am really hoping that Rory comes home today - I am exhausted and really need a good nights sleep.  And and early night at that.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 Things...

1. 1.2kg loss this week, taking me to 7kg lost.
2. I miss Rory so very bad it hurts.
3. I kinda got drunk.  Whoops.  Got home at 4am.
4. 30 sleeps until Cerise and Shaela arrive.
5. Brought a new webcam.
6. Totally hooked on Glee Season 1.  Watching it back to back.
7. Due to above infatuation I am now totally crushing on Mark Salling.  There is only one reason I would push him out of bed, and this is to do him in the floor. 
8. Shopping around to get another tattoo done, need to find a new artist in FNQ.
9. I made a friend.
10. 8 weeks till we go home - screw Christmas, I just want to hug my mummy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I can has?

funny pictures of cats with captions

funny pictures-Why does everyone keep yelling Hakuna Matada at us when they go by?


funny pictures of cats with captions

funny pictures of cats with captions


funny pictures-TEAMWORK

funny pictures-if I get these dry stalks, and you rub the flints together, we can set fire to the dog.

and last but not least...

funny pictures of cats with captions
I could go on forever...thanks for the LOLS LOLCats.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Campbells Country Ladle Wholegrain Minestrone is Amazing, 3.5 serves of veges per serve and only 190 calories per can.  It is nom.

Oh, and the new way Google searches is pretty freeking rad too.  I am tempted to type google into google, but then I am  scared I will break the internet and will not be able to use Facebook anymore.  Hmmmm.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well, only 200g lost this week - but measurements are down 22cm in total since my start 7 weeks ago and my BMI is down 1.8.  All good things, no gains - only losses.  Time to kick the exercise up a notch.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I wonder if anybody actually reads this.

Being a Dickhead's Cool

Yeah okay, this is pretty fucking funny. Thanks Emma Pemma for the lols tonight. Reminds me of at least 5 guys I know - most of which live in London funnily enough.


15 sleeps until Lori and boys arrive (give or take with fingers crossed).

42 sleeps until Cerise and Shaela arrive.

73 sleeps until I get to hug my mummy.

I realise I should not be counting the sleeps of my life away, but these things make me happy.