It has been said that something as small as a butterfly's wings can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory

Saturday, September 18, 2010

10 things before bed...

1.Hung out with some puppies tonight - well big puppies.  Bull-Arab cross big puppies. Was pretty sweet.  I like them because they are real dogs, they are big.  If you don't like big dogs get a cat, don't get a small dog and pretend that it is a dog.  Just get a cat.  Or a Rabbit, even a mouse.  Call it what it is.  Stop lying.
2. I am tired, matchstick eyes tired.
3. Rorys is 60km away and I cannot get to him.  2 weeks is so much longer than 10 days.
4. 88 more sleeps till home.  I don't even care that it will be Christmas, I get to go home.
5. Totally missing the epic NZ storm.  I love storms
6. Cairns got some rain, now it is 10 degress hotter than it was 60min ago.
7. Researching "Uterine Removals". I swear my uterus has a vendetta against me.
8. 4.5kg down.
9. I miss my friends.
10.  My mum, she rules.

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