Good golly gosh, where did the last 12 months go! Let alone the last 6 months - yes - that is how long we have been in Cairns now.
I am not onto the home stretch of the countdown - single digits and 9 sleeps to go. No words can explain the excitement I am feeling about going home for 5 weeks. At 1pm today the temperature was sitting at 35 degrees and steadily rising. I swear when I go outside I can feel the air moisture on my tongue. The water is not longer refreshing to swim in - Aqua Aerobics is becoming painful as it is like doing Aerobics at Miranda Hotpools and I can no longer go out for walks down the Esplanade as it actually makes me nauseous. I am looking forward to long walks with Dad in the evenings when I am home.
Been doing a little bit of shopping. No, that is a blatant lie. I have been doing far too much shopping - but having dropped a size (two in some brands) is very exciting and I can wear things now I have not been able to wear before (well I have been able to wear but not felt good about them). All summer stuff - and considering I live in perpetual summer now I don't feel SO bad.
I was bored the other night and I straightened Rory's hair...
to the best of the ability that my poor hair straighteners would allow! Suffice to say the are now broken - no shit - they are broken. The spat numerous sparks at me and went bang and smelt very suspicious. I booked the boy in for a haircut next week before we head back to NZ - to get rid of this gingy shit at the back of his hair - the result of not dying his hair anymore and spend hours in the blazing sun and a headfull of dust.
1 more week of work - mixed in with packing, getting a new reserve tank for the radiator on the car, organising bill payments for when we are away and cleaning the house.
But for now, it is time to cook some dinner.
Oh, and on that note - I am 300g away from my first goal of 10kg.
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