It has been said that something as small as a butterfly's wings can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am not going to lie to others and prentend that everything is great on days that it is not. 

I am not going to lie to myself and pretend that everything is great on days that it is not.

I WILL make every effort to be positive when I am feeling positive and happy.

But in truth, nobody has a  life is like that, and I see no need to hide the bullshit and only express the happy.

Because that is a lie.

I am entitied to express when I am happy, sad, angry, hyper, tired, bored, may choose to acknowledge it it, or choose to ignore it.

Since SOME people that like to call themselves my friends never bother to ask me how I am, when for the most part of the past 6 months I have been alone, with nobody to talk to or vent to, to have coffee with or to simply hash shit out...I need an outlet...I have chosen it.

If it irritates you, I make no apologies.

Maybe time to make some real life culls.

This shit is hard enough as it is, I am supporting my partner this time - he has done it for me and now it is my turn.  I never said this would be easy, it is one of the hardest things I have ever done.

It works both ways, TWO people make a relationship work.  Not just one owner.

Some fairly amazing people have shown me their true colours in the past 6 months.


Oh, and FYI - the information is for the benefit of my parents and friends who bother to check in and see how I am.  But mostly for my mother, because she gives a shit and knows that I have not been coping.

And it is cheaper than txting across the ocean.

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